Season 1, Episode 8: What We Got Wrong ft. Youth Leader, Kyra Hughes-Bester
Kyra Hughes-Bester is a remarkable youth leader and a friend of St. Paul Youth Services. She joins the podcast for a fearless conversation that explores some of the mistakes adults have made when working with her through challenging times; as well as what they’ve gotten right. Tracine and Kyra also talk about SPYS’ youth-centric approach, where Kyra has been active in the YouthPowerMN℠ Leadership Institute for the past five years. The YouthPowerMN℠ Leadership Institute offers an organizing hub where Black youth are compensated for their intellectual capital, lived experiences, and contributions to improve our communities.
This conversation, and others like it, can help us – as adults, changemakers, and leaders – chart a more thoughtful and inclusive path forward for our young people by learning from our mistakes (and successes).
*The music you hear on the podcast is provided by Blue Dot Sessions and is used here under a Creative Commons License.
Further Reading:
The Beloved Community: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Prescription for a Healthy Society by HuffPost News
Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire
Teaching Community: A Pedagogy of Hope by bell hooks
Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom by bell hooks
The Mis-Education of the Negro by Carter G. Woodson
Critical Pedagogy and Race by Zeus Leonardo
Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly Daniel Tatum
Supporting Data:
St. Paul Youth Services:
Learn more about YouthPowerMN℠ Leadership Institute
The Art & History Of Stepping by NBC4
Kyra’s Song List (Links to YouTube):