Our Approach & Services:

Our Smart, Fair & Loving Approach


Pushing limits is an essential part of healthy youth development. How adults respond when youth act out can change the trajectory of their lives -- for better or much, much worse. At St. Paul Youth Services, we promote and pioneer practices that are smart, fair, and loving. These practices allow youth to be held accountable for their actions, but with a safety net, second chances, and by developing the skills to make choices that allow them to pursue their dreams.

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Behavior Intervention Program

We use a uniquely holistic approach to in-school behavioral intervention to address both the immediate needs of students, and the root causes of disparate disciplinary outcomes.


Pre-Charge Diversion

We offer an alternative to court for a range of first-time offenses, helping young people to avoid repeat mistakes and stay out of the criminal justice system.

New Podcast Series

Rewriting the Rules®

Rewriting the Rules℠ interviews community and business leaders, youth champions, and other radicals whose work builds on the power and genius fundamental to Black communities, Indigenous Communities, and Communities of color.


Workshops & Training SPYS provides leaders and staff of nonprofits and public agencies who work with youth.

Consulting SPYS partners with nonprofits and public agencies to assess their approach, identify barriers to their engagement of youth, and develop and train staff on an action plan to transform the culture, practices, and environment to be more youth-centric.

Tools We create and share tips and tools for nonprofit, public agency, and community use to increase understanding of youth developmental needs and smart, fair, and loving approaches to youth engagement and intervention. 

YouthPowerMN℠ Leadership Institute We offer physical and digital organizing hubs where Black youth can reflect, build skills, organize, and advocate for change on issues that affect their lives.